FACT: Your prospects are bombarded with many more competing sales offers than at any other point in history. So the question is: How do you become their ‘MUST HAVE’ company to do business with?
The Differentiation BluPrint ensures that your proposals are not only the STAND OUT choice but you eradicate all of your competitors on route!
This 4 step programme is a step-by-step model that has proven to utterly compel your prospects to purchase from you with astonishing conversion rates of over 78% when employed against your competitors.
“… I’d normally feel uncomfortable in making such a huge claim, however IF your competitors get hold of the ‘Differentiation BluPrint – The Art of Dissuasion’ before you do, then ultimately no matter what industry you are in, you WILL lose out onbusiness to those competitors thatemploy it!”
Gary May – Author & Producer
What’s included:
Step 1 – How Different ARE You Really?
- Your Current USP’s & Reasons to Buy
- What Emotions Do You Instil?
- What Values Are You Showing?
- The Dangers of Unanswered Questions
Step 2 – You’re NOT What You Think You Are
- Glass Half Full or Half Empty?
- What is Your Company NOT?
- What Does You Company NOT DO?
- The Implications Are Massive!
Step 3 – The Guiding Persuasion & Influence Strategies
- Induce A Desire for Them to Say Yes
- Increasing The Contrast Between Proposals
- Reduce Prospects Buying Resistance to Zero
- The Considerations Check List
Step 4 - The Annihilation of the Competition!
- Winning Face to Face
- Winning Over the Telephone
- Turn Objections into Sales Pitches
- Why You’d Lose if Your Competition Had This
The Differentiation BluPrint is in large part based on ‘Omega Strategies – Reducing Buying Resistance’ invented, researched and the lifes work of Dr. Eric Knowles. Here’s what he said about the Differentiation BluPrint.
Programme Testimonial
“…Your differentiation bluprint is outstanding — clear, new, extremely useful. I am glad and proud to endorse it. Your examples throughout are fresh and spot-on. They bring life to the principles you provide. Gary May tells companies how to be more successful without lowering their prices, bundling “free” incentives, or increasing their marketing budget. You gotta love any plan that makes a sale more likely, and more profitable, and more likely to bring repeat customers, and more likely to produce word of mouthreferrals. Gary May’s clear, easy, and highly effective Differentiation BluPrint is, in fact, a psychologically sophisticated program to empower your clients to ask better questions about the products and services they are seeking. His program builds allies, not just customers.”
Eric S. Knowles – Emeritus Professor of Psychology, University of Arkansas / Chief Scientist, Omega Change ConsultingGroup – www.DrKnowles.com